Webinar Series: Monitoring Collection Storage Environments: May 29, June 12, and June 26, 2025

Cost: $375 for 3 webinars

Registration deadline: May 22, 2025

Presenters: Emily Bernal and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez

Team Participation Encouraged

In collecting institutions an environmental management team that includes both collections and facilities staff can create a structure to environmental management that includes regular meetings of collections and facilities staff to review data, discuss strategy, plan for changes, and generally inform each other about what is going on in their respective roles. For this webinar series we suggest team participation and encourage facilities and collections staff to attend the webinar sessions together.

This sequential three-part webinar series will serve as an introduction or refresher course on the fundamentals of environmental monitoring of collections storage spaces. Each webinar summarizes key concepts outlined in IPI’s Guide to Sustainable Preservation Practices for Managing Storage Environments including understanding how environmental conditions influence the preservation of collections, collecting environmental data, and evaluating environmental data for collection storage spaces. The webinar will also discuss critical guiding principles for managing environmental conditions for cultural collections, and introduce field guideposts such as The Bizot Green Protocol and PAS 198:2012.

May 29, 2025
Part I: Understanding How Environmental Conditions Influence the Preservation of Collections

Webinar details: Environmental data informs storage environment discussions and decision making. This webinar will discuss the role of temperature, relative humidity, and dew point on defining the preservation quality of a collections storage environment. It will also address the basics of how indoor environmental conditions are achieved.

June 12, 2025
Part II: Collecting Environmental Data

Webinar details: Environmental data informs storage environment discussions and decision making. This webinar will discuss the fundamentals of implementing environmental monitoring programs, necessary tools, documentation and monitoring program activities.

June 26, 2025
Part III: Evaluating Environmental Data for Collections Storage Spaces

Webinar details: Monitoring temperature and relative humidity conditions alone will not improve preservation environments or the longevity of collections. Environmental management includes analysis and interpretation of the environmental conditions recorded and the implementation of improvements as necessary. This webinar will discuss the fundamentals of evaluating environmental data.

Webinar Registration Policies

  • No registrations will be accepted after the registration deadline.
  • Registration fees will not be refunded.
  • Registrants who are unable to attend the live webinar session can request access to a recording. Access to the recording will be limited to two weeks after the live session. Contact ipiwww@rit.edu for assistance.
  • Registration is not confirmed until payment is made.

Technical Information

  • Webinars are presented live in Eastern Daylight Time.
  • Closed captioning via Zoom is available for all live webinar sessions.
  • Instructions to access the webinar will be sent within a few days once payment is confirmed.
  • Before attending a webinar session, we recommend that you test your connection to ensure you will be able to run the program successfully. Update your Zoom Client for Meetings at:  https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting 

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Price: $375.00